Can you stop anders from destroying the chantry
To fight against it, isn't terrorism. Stop pointing at the Chantry while discussing Anders. It doesn't matter how bad the Chantry was for the topic at hand because Anders never went after the people responsible. Anders should have gone after Meredith, because she was the main oppressor of the mages in Kirkwall.
Orisino would've been a valid target because he stood in the way of both mage freedom and the mage rebellion in the same way Elthina did. By doing nothing. I'm not saying Anders should've gone after Orsino, I'm just saying that it would still have been a better plan than blowing up the Chantry. And you're right, fighting against "instituionalized terror", as you put it isn't terrorism. That's why the rebel mages who actually fought the Templars aren't terrorists. I have to point to the chantry, because the Chantry was the owner of the Circles.
Not Meredith. Meredith was just a madwoman with power by the Chantry. And the Chantry was led by the Divine, not by the lowly clerics in the Kirkwall Chantry.
Had Anders gone after her it would be a different matter. I think Petrice qualifies as a terrorist. She orchestrated violent actions to make a political point. The fact that she herself never directly killed anyone doesn't disqualify her anymore than it disqualifies the leaders of terrorist organizations.
I still usually spare him and I still sympathize with his motivations but that's a fair point that a lot of the casualties probably could have been avoided. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Dragon Age Wiki Explore. Dragon Age Series. Dragon Age II. Dareddeviil Alright then, I'll modify the analogy. Dareddeviil So I read through the tumblr thread you provided above and it's just more whatabouttism.
The Chantry was established by the Orlesian emperor Kordillus Drakon in -3 Ancient to follow the teachings of the prophet Andraste and her beloved husband and believed creator of all, the Marker. This is part two of a seven part series on Anders. However, religion is just one part of a much larger entity. However, the Chantry and Andrastianism is easily paralleled by the loathed Qun. The Qun has three leaders: the Ariqun, the Arishok, and the Arigena. Respectively they oversee the priesthood, the military, and the way that society is nurtured and shaped.
Likewise, the Chantry is comprised of the religion and its members the leader as the Divine, Sisters, Brothers, etc , the Seekers of Truth only briefly touched upon here and the Templar Order as its military officials, and the implications of the Chant of Light as the way it nurtures society.
As in all religions, there is good that comes with the bad. It will not be argued that many, if not most, Chantries aim to do good. Many do take in orphans, help the poor or the sick, and give hope where all seems lost. The Templar Order was created, likely, with good intentions. No one would argue that those who possess magic are infallible. Mages carry a weapon within them that they did not ask for.
So, while the templars are simply supposed to exist to protect non-mages from the supposed evils of magic and also to protect mages from themselves, the Chantry dictates otherwise. This army gains its powers from lyrium, a substance that has many uses but certainly enhances magical abilities and the ability to dispel magic. Interestingly enough, the Chantry has a monopoly on lyrium trade as one of its main sources of income.
Lyrium can be considered a drug as it is highly addictive and can be lethal if one takes too much or comes off of it too quickly. The Chantry keeps its templars addicted to it, rendering it difficult for them to leave. The Chantry sends out its own military forces on groups they feel defy them enough. This has been done on the elves of the Dales, numerous times to the Tevinter Imperium, and was nearly called on Kirkwall by Divine Justina V due to growing unrest between the mages and templars in the Gallows.
And the treatment of the mages is nearing this as well. The first Circle was established after the second blight with the Nevarran Accord.
The templars are trained to disrupt magical spells, but they are given power over mages that allows for significant abuse. The Chantry requires that templars steal mage children from their families and hunt down apostate mages living outside of their Circles.
Except that Isabella just runs away even if you turn her in. Anders living or dying doesn't really change the story very much. Choosing either side doesn't result in any difference, since the whole situation blows up and both leaders go crazy anyway. None of the choices you make have any bearing on the direction of the story.
It doesn't "shape the story," it doesn't even really provide branching paths. In Origins, if you chose to side with the werewolves, all the Dalish died and the people were scared to go in the forest. If you chose to invoke the Rite of Annulment, all the mages died and there was no more Circle in Ferelden. Choosing either side in Orzammar politics or between Branka and Caridin had effects that at least seemed to carry through.
Choosing to kill Anders has all the effect of Sebastian saying, "phew, I'm so glad you killed Anders," and then it was never mentioned again. Choosing to turn in Isabela results in an, "oops, she ran away from the Qunari, LOL," comment and that's about it.
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I did 2 warrior playthroughs, one sided with the mages and one with the templars. On one I helped him all the way to distracting the grand cleric, and the second one I only helped him get the ingredients, and he still blew it up. Has anyone NOT helped him? If not helping him out still destroys the chantry then that's just bad storytelling imo. Our actions are supposed to "shape the story", and if it still happens then what's the point of going around collecting dragon dung?