How can fallen angels be saved

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Schools Login. PST; p. MST; p. You May Also Like…. Copy link. Copy Copied. Powered by Social Snap. Advanced Search Go. Search Term Type any of these words all of these words exact phrase. Results should display: full details author names only. More search tips. Can angels be saved? Question Can angels be saved? Do they have souls that can be saved? Answer I find no teaching within the pages of Scripture regarding sinful angels being saved.

The author of Hebrews makes this abundantly clear: Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, [Christ] himself likewise partook of the same things , that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery.

All rights reserved. In the second letter from the apostle Peter God says He did not refrain from bringing judgment on the fallen angels. He cast them down from their position in heaven and holds them captive under condemnation. Jude The two passages are parallel. They both speak of the same subject using very similar language. Peter and Jude are speaking of all angels who sinned. They were all cast out of their position in heaven and are being kept by God for everlasting judgment.

God does not offer salvation to the fallen angels. Other passages in Scripture lead to the conclusion that the rebellious angels are confirmed in their unrighteousness. The fallen angels have no chance of redemption because Jesus did not become an angel and die in their place. Salvation is only possible through another bearing the consequences of sin in place of the sinner. Essential to the Biblical doctrine of salvation is the truth that all men sinned in Adam.

Because all mankind was found guilty Adam it is possible for men to be justified by Christ. Jesus is able to stand in the place of each man because He stands in the place of the human race.


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