How long do you keep payslips

During the year it is OK to keep them all and then destroy all but the end of year or end of job ones during tax prep time. It is a good idea to review them when they are received to make sure that the pay and deductions match what you expect. I have known people who didn't review the slips periodically and never noticed that the company was withholding taxes for the wrong state.

The law defines the minimal time you must keep your payslips, and it depends on the country you work in. But it's wise to keep them forever. They don't take much place and the don't weight much. And you never know when they can be needed. Just to illustrate, in Poland, during the WW II, almost every work evidence was destroyed, which has a consequence in lower pension for the people unable to prove they have worked before the war.

The evidence can be any document - a payslip would fit well. Of course the problem is, it would have to survive the war intact, but it's like a backup. If you have the backup, the chances of loosing your data is lowered, even through it will never be 0. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.

Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Welcome to the Digital Spy forums. Forums Recent Rules My Activity. Hey there! Sign In Register. Thing is I'm not sure how long we're supposed to keep most of this stuff. I decided I would get rid of payslips older than and insurance docs older than Do other folks have a cut-off date or just keep stuff in perpetuity? Don't know but I've got all my payslips etc back to when I first started!

I know I don't need them, but I can't bring myself to throw them away for some reason! When my OH had his own business, I believe he had to keep receipts etc and accounts for 7 years. I have my payslips back to my first job in the late 80's. I've got all my payslips going back to , when I got my first job. Since when were the self employed issued with a payslip roflmao! Keep them as long as you want to a week a month a year whatever there is no reason other than checking the contents of the wage packet match whats printed on the payslip and that the calculations are correct to keep them any longer.

Jennjenn Forumite 6 Posts. I just wondered the same. As I am about to move house, I would like to get rid of some of the unused mountains of paper in my office.

As my husband is paid weekly, he receives a payslip every week. Looking at all your answers, it seems there is no rule whatsoever to keep them, once you got the P60 for the last taxyear. Yet my solicitor wrote accident claim and was told that they would 'be too difficult to get hold of' due to the 'filing system' ie they are in boxes. How do I force them to provide the information to which I am entitled?

Does anyone know any employment Law experts? I recently wrote a document on retention periods as part of my company security review It should be noted that if sufficient paper records exist and are kept then there is no legal requirement for keeping digital copies, however, it would be a good practice to store such things electronically in case something happens to the paper records. However, we are under no legal obligation to adhere to the retention periods stated if we have sufficient paper records.

A company must retain sufficient accounting records to show and explain its transactions; a private company must retain these records for a minimum of three years Employment records, director service contracts, payroll, wage records, benefits of any kind, income tax and tax returns must be retained for a period of six years.

Originally Posted by Abaddon. Employment records, director service contracts, payroll, wage records, benefits of any kind, income tax and tax returns must be retained for a period of six years.


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