What is the difference between interdependent and independent
Sometimes we are helping these people so much that we are enabling their addictions, immature or abusive behavior, and creating an energy exchange which helps them stay sick. The biggest problem as a codependent is that we always lose because we become empty, powerless and unable to create and follow our own path independently of others and their lives. By trying to control aspects outside of ourselves, we end up obsessing and getting too attached and become emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually controlled by the life or people we are obsessing about.
In order to create a life that works it is essential to fight against our codependency and work towards our independency. After accomplishing our Independency, we can then focus on reaching our Interdependency.
I would now like to share some phrases I found while doing some research:. When we give another person the authority to judge the value of our person, we create a relationship of psychological dependence on them. To experience the approval of the person to whom we have given the authority to judge our Self, we will often adapt our self expression to fit their values and desires. Co-dependence is a focus away from our own values and desires.
It is not until we begin to own the truth of our experience that we move past dependence, counter dependence, and codependence. Independence is doing what you want to do even if your mother and father want you to do it. When we own our authority for our Self, we become the author of the values by which we will evaluate our lives. We become the final word on our own value.
When we are truly independent, we do not look to our culture or other people to sanction our behavior but to our own thoughts, feelings, desires, and experiences. Until we can own the truth of who we are, we cannot realize our spiritual potential or share our Self intimately with others. The more independence each person has, the more they can be counted on to bring their creative genius to any project. This makes powerful synergy and intimacy not only possible, but probable.
We sacrifice our Self lose and give our partner a fantasy in place of reality lose. In the end, dependence builds illusions and leads to disillusionment and pain for everyone involved. Which is the best example of interdependence? Why do we need interdependence? What is social interdependence? What is negative interdependence? What is negative goal interdependence?
What is the relationship of independence to interdependence and vice versa? What is emotional interdependence? What does independence mean? What is an interdependent culture? What is interdependent leadership? What is the meaning of self independent? What is interdependent leadership culture? How can leaders change organizational culture?
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This is a great example of the synchronization between independence vs interdependence. Leading the group is often a well rounded individual that can tap into the skills of all of those working under him. He is called the leader. The leader is often a very independent person that possesses the skill to also work interdependently. Being interdependent requires internal insight about yourself. You need to be able to know your strengths and weaknesses.
In addition, you should have a firm grasp on practically finding your life purpose , generating a missions statement about yourself , create your personal values list and setting realistic and tangible goals. However among the most important abilities of an independent person is perspective. An independent person realizes that there is more than one way to view a situation and therefore practices empathetic listening to hear the viewpoints of those around him.
Apart from business, the relationship between independence vs interdependence also extends to matters of the heart. How often do you see relationships fail because of fundamental relationship mistakes.