Who is pir syed abdul qadir jilani

Sayed Hafiz Abdur Razzak Tajuddin. He was born in AH and had graduated in all departments of religious knowledge. He specialized in Hadis. He was generous and was fond of seclusion. The progeny of Abdur Razzak flourised in Baghdad and were noted for their knowledge, piety and service ot humanity.

There are many descendents and some of them were saints especially in India and Pakistan. After completing his education he came to Indo-Pak continent in the 11th century.

He settled in the province of Sind at the Thatta on the Makli hills and preached Islam. At a young age he started preaching the people to enlightenment and do away with idolaroty.

His piety and generosity made him famous and many came to seek his blessings. By his prayers and meditation, he was spiritually elevated by Allah. He was survived by 2 sons. Once some Hindu pilgrims camped near his hut, Peer Yusufuddeen went to meet them, enquired about their welfare and preached Tauhid, oneness of Allah. At first they refused him and later agreed to accept his message on the condition that they could have the holy bath without going to Ganga.

The saint agreed and prayed to Allah. He asked them to close their eyes, then once again ordered them to open their eyes. As soon as they opened their eyes they found themselves at their holy place.

As soon as they had completed their bath they were asked to close their eyes and again open them. When they opened their eyes were at the same place where they were and their clothes were wet. They embraced Islam and asked the Shaikh to pray for their prosperity and many children for many generations.

By the Grace of Allah his prayer was granted. These Memons are philanthrophists and contribute to the welfare of the poor and destitutes and religious institutions. They have now spread to many countries. Sayed Abu Ishaq Ibrahim. He had a perfect knowledge of tasawwuf and Fiqh. Sayed Shaikh Abul Fazl Muhammed. Sayed Shaikh Abdullah.

Sayed Shaikh Yahya. He was born on AH. Whilst young, he went to Egypt and returned in his later years. Sayed Shaikh Musa. He was born in AH and received his education in Baghdad. Sayed Shaikh Abdr Rehman. He died in AH AD. In AH the Turks became conquerors. The 14th descendent was Sayedna Ali Al Mujaddid. He reorganized the affairs of Al Huqaf Al Qadirah. His son Sayed Abdullah Al Jilani had a progressive and constructive approach.

He had 2 sons. In the 15th Adescendent. Sayed Mustufa Jilani who died young leaving behind a son. Sayed Ibrahim Saifuddin Jilani. He was in India for about 30 years and in went back to Baghdad. He served as Naqib-ul-Ashraf till when he expired. After him this title was abolished by the government of Iraq. Sayedna Abdulla Sahabi. Died in in Thatta. Shah Abdul Murali Kadri. Birth AH. Died AH in Lahore.

Sayed Ghous Jilani. He took special care of students and improved the arrangement in his Jamia for the students. He provided many facilities for them and in turn made them study. He was attentive to all the students and personally taught them. Also other reputed teachers taught various other subjects.

In the afternoons Sarf-wa-Nahw and Tajweed Arabic grammar was taught. In the evening between Asr and Magrib the lessons taught in the mornings were revised and students were tested. All the students who graduated from Jamia acquired excellence in their field of subject.

The students were advised to establish institutions in their own native places and spread Islam and root out ignorance. Many students became eminent scholars and some even became famous as saints. Abu Muhammed Al Khasiab became a celebrated scholar of sarf-wa-Nahw. At the Musafir Khana on Wednesday mornings. Many people came to hear his discourses. After the afternoon prayer Zuhar he issued fatwas verdicts on legal questions presented to him from all over the world. After Magrib he would break his fast and distribute food among the poor and then eat his meal.

After Isha he would retire to his chamber and pass his nights in worship of Allah and prayer and zikr. He served humanity during the day and served Allah, his Creator in the night. Al Fatha Al Rabbani. It is a collection of 60 discourses AH. Many people used to note down his sermons e. Hazrat Afifuddin Al Mubarak.

In AH due to Halaku invasion many valuable works were destroyed. Futuh al Gaib. This book consists of 80 discourses. It also discusses mysticism and topics like fana extinction , baqa immortality , etc.

Guniyat ut Talibeen. This ethical and ritual treatise enlightens the religious aspects of prayers and observance of the tenets of islam. Sirrul Asrar. Raza-ur- Rafzia. This manuscript is also on mysticism and kept in the Madressa-eQadiriya. It is a set of 2 volumes and is lodged in the Rashid Kiram library in Tarabhas, Syria. Many letters of Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jilani Allah's mercy be on him to his mureeds and followers have been preserved.

These letters in Persian are clear and lucid, containing personal matters, advice, affection and express mysticism. Here he praises Allah and thanks Allah for all his benefactions on him.

There are many spiritual benefits on reciting the Qasidah and many wishes have been fulfilled by the Grace of Allah. Divan it consists of a collection of his Persian verses. Satan praised Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jilani Allah's mercy be on him and said the he had saved himself from Satan by his powerful knowledge.

Suddenly clouds gathered and rain showered down. Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jilani quenched his thrist and thanked Allah. I am Allah and reward you by making all unlawful haraam things lawful for you.

I have deceived at least 70 saints. When Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jilani Allah's mercy be on him was asked how he could recognize the Satan so easily, he informed that making unlawful things lawful was inconsistent with the Shariat and wrong could not have been from Allah.

Allah accepted his prayers and fulfilled his request and when he prayed for others Allah showered His blessings on them. Each would have devotion and affection for one another. He taught all the subjects that he had learnt so diligently that he very soon became a popular teacher. He is buried in the Babul Karb of Baghdad.

He decided to leave Baghdad and help people in the rural areas. It was the will of Allah and he came back. He enquired about his day before and the intention about leaving the city and then closed the door. This Darvesh was a reputed saint of Baghdad and emphasized spiritual training, Tasawwuf and Tariqat. What does it mean if your heart chakra is weak? Who was the first superhero to die? Is slanguage a real word? You will be interested How many dojos are in Temtem?

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He says that once Shaytaan came to him in a very ugly form and with a foul odour emanating from that cursed presence. You have exhausted my students and me in our attempts to mislead you. Leave here at once. A Hand came from the Unseen and hit Shaytaan on his head with such force that it caused him to sink into the ground. While this was happening, a veiled person on a white horse appeared and gave a sword in my hand. The moment I took the sword in my hand, Shaytaan turned and began to run.

I saw him sitting on the ground putting sand on his head. Go away. I am always asking protection from you in Allah. After gaining in-depth academic and spiritual knowledge, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani ra was not only the most pious and knowledgeable personality, but he was a guiding light to the misguided and a firm mountain when it came to speaking against that which was incorrect. My father, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani ra once told me that he was one day making Mujahida in the jungle when he began to feel very thirsty.

Suddenly, a cloud appeared above him and drops of cold rainwater fell over him. He drank and quenched his thirst, as this was the Mercy of Allah. He said that after some time another cloud appeared over him giving out light so powerful that the ends of the sky became lit up with its brightness.

I am your Creator. I have made everything Halaal for you. You have been saved because of your knowledge and piety otherwise I have misled many Mystics, with this trap. Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani ra usually visited the secluded fields of Karkh which were located on one side of Baghdad.

This was an ideal place for prayers and devotional practices. Here, the Sheikh spent his time in prayer and devotional exercises. It was here that Shaytaan attempted to fool the Sheikh, but to no avail. He would sit in an old tower called Burj-Ajami in the outskirts of Baghdad where he would make Ibadah and engross himself in the Zikr of Almighty Allah. Once while seated here, he entered into a deep spiritual condition in which the following incident took place. The Sheikh narrates:.

While sitting in the tower outside Baghdad, I once entered into a deep spiritual condition in which I made a vow with Almighty Allah that I will not eat or drink anything unless somebody puts a morsel of food or a drop of water into my mouth with their own hands. After taking this oath, forty days had passed without me eating or drinking anything.

After forty days, a stranger arrived with some curry and bread. He placed it in front of me and left. Due to intense hunger, my nafs wanted to have the food, but my soul stopped me and reminded me of my vow to Allah.

With his spiritual strength, he heard the noise from inside my stomach. What is this noise? In my mind, I said that I would not go until I am made to do so. Was my saying not sufficient for you that Hazrat Khidr Alaihis Salaam had to command you to come to my house?

During this period, I proceeded to the ruins of the palace of Aiwan Kasra in search of fruit or something permitted. There I found 70 saints already searching for some food. Having seen this, I returned to Baghdad. On my way I met a person who gave me some money and revealed that it was sent by my mother. I took the money and went straight to those 70 saints whom I had previously seen. I kept a little with me and distributed the rest among them. With the rest of the money that I had kept, I purchased some food and shared it with the poor and hungry.

Although he had gained many blessings from both these personalities, he had not yet pledged his spiritual allegiance to a spiritual guide Peer-o-Murshid. Finally, the time had come and according to the Will of Almighty Allah, he presented himself in the court of Sheikh Abu Saeed Al-Mukharrami ra and became his disciple Mureed thus joining his Halqa and spiritual order.

Sheikh Abu Saeed ra showed much love and attention to this unique disciple and blessed him with gems of spiritualism and mysticism. The Khirqa Saintly Garb that was bestowed upon the great Saint had been handed down from generation to generation. Before his return, he saw in a vision that he was walking along a street in Baghdad, where a sick and emaciated man lying on the roadside greeted him. When the Sheikh answered the salutation, the man asked him to help him to sit up.

On the Saint's giving him the help asked for, the man sat up and began to grow miraculously big in stature. Seeing the Saint frightened at the phenomenon, the stranger allayed his fear saying, "I am the religion of your grandfather. I became diseased and miserable, but God has revived me through your help. This event fore-shadowed the future career of the Sheikh in terms of reviving the religion of Islam.

Falsehood and cults were beginning to spread at an alarming rate. The respect for knowledge and for the people of knowledge was wearing thin in the hearts of the people of Baghdad. It was a time of great deterioration in the following of the Sunnah.

It was a time when there was a dire need for a Reformer of the ways of the people and a Reviver of the true Faith. He entered the arena at this time of corruption and conflict and within a short space of time; he once again turned the blessed city of Baghdad into the center of learning and spiritualism. On returning to Baghdad from his spiritual journey Sheikh Abdul Qadir ra faced a tribulation which was overcome with majestic wisdom.

Many of the Islamic elite of Baghdad were perturbed by the return of Sheikh Abdul Qadir ra who, due to his great reputation and spiritual status, had amassed a large following of disciples. The scholars gathered and devised a way by which they could send a clear message to Sheikh Abdul Qadir indicating their displeasure at his presence in Baghdad. They ordered a large vessel be filled to the brim and sent it to the quarters of Sheikh Abdul Qadir ra.

The container represented Baghdad and the water represented the scholars in Baghdad. With an ingenious stroke of wisdom and demonstrating his extraordinary powers, the Sheikh plucked a rose which he placed on top of the water. As it has been stated earlier, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani ra had come to Baghdad when it was a city full of corruption and misled persons.

It was a very testing time for Muslims all over the world, since the Crusades had begun, where the entire Christian world was bent on destroying the Muslim Empire. The same day after Zuhr prayer, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani ra mounted the pulpit and addressed the people with a sermon. The audience was entranced by his words. When Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani ra spoke he was prompted by the Grace of Allah causing the miraculous and revolutionary impact of his words. Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani ra usually delivered lectures thrice a week - on Wednesday evenings, Fridays and on Sunday mornings.

This blessed practice continued for forty years, from AH. At first, he began delivering lectures and teaching people in the Madrassa.

The people of Baghdad and neighbouring cities began flocking to the lectures of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani ra in such great numbers that the Madrassa became too small for these gatherings. There would often be no place inside the Madrassa, forcing people to sit out on the streets to listen to his lectures and advice.

In AH a few houses around the Madrassa were purchased and incorporated to make the Madrassa bigger. After some time, even this proved to be too small. The Mimbar of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani ra was then carried and placed in a massive open area Eid Gaah where more than 70, people would present themselves in each of his lectures.

In each of his gatherings, there would be four people recording his lectures in writing and two Qaaris, who recited the Holy Quran. His lectures became so famous in a very short space of time that it attracted people from all parts of the world, thus making Baghdad Shareef the centre of learning and spiritualism once again. His lectures were full of knowledge and wisdom. They were so influential and powerful that listeners would go into spiritual ecstasy. Some of them would tear their clothes.

Others would fall unconscious. On various occasions, even non-Muslims came to his lectures. After listening to his lectures they would find that they could not refute anything he said and they would willingly accept Islam. In addition to the ordinary members of the public, Rijaal-ul-Ghaib and Jinns also frequented his blessed gatherings. It was a training school for the young, a place to repent for the sinful, a place of guidance for the misguided, and a bank of spiritualism for the spiritually bankrupt.

His voice was very stern and sharp. One of the miracles of his Majlis was that each and every person sitting there heard him alike, even though in those times, there was no means of voice amplification, such as microphones and the like. All the great scholars agree that during that era the majority of the people in Baghdad repented from their wrongs at the hands of the great Saint and also became his disciples. When they were requested to explain their acceptance of Islam, they said that they heard of the religion of Islam and that their hearts were pleased with this Deen but they had been in search of a true servant of Allah who would, by looking at them, dispel the darkness of their hearts.

When the thirteen Christians received this message from the Unseen, they travelled to Baghdad and accepted Islam on the hands of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani ra. I am a citizen of Yemen and for many years I lived in seclusion as a Christian Monk.

For some time now, I have realised the truth of Islam, but after looking at the ways of the present Muslims, I delayed my acceptance of Islam and made a vow that I will accept Islam on the hands of a person who is the most pious amongst people. Go to Baqhdad and accept Islam on his hands. At the present moment, there is none on this earth that is more pious and firm on religion than he is, and there is none more exalted than him in this time.

His words were kind but firm. He was not swayed by the power or status of anyone. If they were wrong, he did not hesitate to correct them in his Majlis or anywhere else. He feared none but Allah and made those who were in his Majlis aware of this. Who then is the true slave of Allah?

Keep your hand on my hand so that you may distance yourself from this mundane world and run towards your Creator. His gatherings were frequented by thousands of ordinary people, learned scholars and great Saints.

It has been stated in authentic sources that during his lectures there would be approximately four hundred scribes who recorded his lectures in writing. Two such lectures, which were then recorded, are being presented below for your perusal. Besides giving sermons, every day in the morning and afternoon the Sheikh gave lessons in Quran Tafsir, Hadith, principles of Islamic law and other allied subjects.

After midday prayers he was seen issuing fatwas or verdicts on legal questions presented to him from all parts of the world.

Every evening before Maghrib prayers, he would distribute bread among the poor. After the evening prayers it was his habit to sit for dinner because usually he fasted during the day throughout the year. Before every such meal it was his practice to have it proclaimed that anybody who needed food in the neighbourhood could come and join him.

Up until AH, at age of fifty-one, he never thought of marriage. He even regarded it as a sort of impediment in the path of spiritual efforts. Once someone asked Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani ra why he had made Nikah in his unique and elevated spiritual condition.

The great Ghawth ra replied:. It is on this basis that I have made Nikah. I was, in reality, afraid of making Nikah, for this reason that my time may be lost in other things rather than in the love of my Creator, but when the time came, then My Creator blessed me with four wives, and each one of them loved me dearly. Due to his true and pure intention of Nikah, he never found any time lost from his Ibadah and from his services to the Deen even after marriage.

When my mother would enter a dark place, it would immediately become bright. Once my father Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani ra entered one such place where my mother was, and on his entrance, the light caused by her presence disappeared. It has disappeared in my light.

From this day onwards, when my mother entered a dark place, then her light was like that of the full moon. He had forty-nine children; twenty-seven sons and twenty-two daughters. Many of his sons became famous for their education and learning, and they and their descendants spread Islam in other parts of the world:. When the Sheikh was suffering from illness, his son Abdul Wahab asked him: "Give me a parting admonition on which I should act after you have left this world.

Fear Almighty Allah. Fear none but Allah. Always turn towards Him. Ask all your wishes from Allah. Do not turn to any besides Allah. Do not have faith in any but in Allah. Remain firm on Tauheed belief in One Allah.

There is no salvation without Tauheed. When the heart becomes linked with Allah then nothing else seems to look good to him. I have reached the level of True Love. It is a domain where worldly love has no place.

Move away from me. Right now, you seem to be before me, but in reality you are not the only ones here. With the exception of yourselves, there are other creations of Allah here as well. Give enough space for them. Show respect to them. Give way. This is now a place of exalted pardon and forgiveness. Do not crowd this place.

May Allah forgive us all and may He bestow His Mercy upon us. It is stated that he replied to their greetings for a full twenty-four hours. It was for this reason that I was sent. Always be gentle. Thus, you should not think of anyone equal to me, or think of me equal to any other. It is further reported that his son, Sheikh Abdul Aziz ra asked him about his disease. On this he said:. Surely no one, neither any man nor any jinn, nor any angel knows or understands my disease.

The knowledge of God is not diminished by the command of God. The command changes but the knowledge does not change. The command may be abrogated but not knowledge. God causes to pass away and establishes what He pleases, and with Him is the basis of the Book:. It has also been reported that his son Sheikh Abdul Jabbar ra asked him: "Which part of your body gives you pain?

All my organs are hurting me except my heart.


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