Who owns salon magazine
Story selection almost always favors the left, and there is the frequent use of loaded emotional language such as this: What campus free speech? Arizona case shows how far the right will go to stifle dissent. Like most on Salon, this story is properly sourced to credible media such as the New York Times and the Arizona Republic as well occasionally using sources that have failed fact checks such as The Guardian and Wikileaks. Salon also publishes health and science news that is scientifically based.
Editorially, Salon utilizes strong wording that is anti-right in a tone such as this: Donald Trump is running for president as a flat-out racist. Further, they do not clearly label opinion pieces which can be misleading. Overall, we rate Salon Left Biased based on story selection that strongly favors the left and endorsements of political positions affiliated with the Democratic Party.
We also rate them Mostly Factual in reporting rather than High due to a failed fact check occasionally utilizing sources that have failed fact checks. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Name Vote. Left vs. Right Bias: How we rate the bias of media sources. Your Support is Essential. All plans give access to our growing exclusive content! See all of our Plans. Loading Comments There was a president before Trump Matthew Rozsa. Sotomayor's scathing Texas dissent Cody Fenwick - Alternet. How "Succession" weaponizes womanhood Kylie Cheung. Baldwin shooting followed union walkoff Julia Conley - Common Dreams. The birth of the vampire myth Stanley Stepanic - The Conversation.
Ageism in health care harms seniors Judith Graham. Gory movies are Matthew Rozsa. Using algae for stroke recovery Nicole Karlis. Is Havana syndrome real? Probably not Matthew Rozsa.