Why witchcraft is not real
You might have been a little mind-muddled about what you really wanted to happen. Or you doubted your own ability? The witch simply forgets about it and gets on with life.
If they ever think about it, they remind themselves that the universe is handling it. That depends. Some spells work quickly because circumstances are already aligned, others take longer because situations need to fall into place to enable the result to happen. Some work perfectly well, but over a period of time so that it seems that the situation changed of its own accord.
Still magic, but disguised as the mundane. An example of this is that I often suffer from a condition called 'fibromyalgia'. It's unexplained pain. One evening I did a spell to help relieve it. The following day I happened across a study that recommended restricting one's diet to certain foods. It works wonderfully when I stick to it. It was only later I realised that this solution came as a result of my spell.
A disguised result. I have a lot of articles that cover this aspect of real witchcraft, but to summarize: firstly you need to be old enough. The very essence of witchcraft is wisdom. Witchcraft is not something you undertake lightly. If it fascinates you, do read as much as you can. Watch videos. You could hurt yourself, or someone else. There are some very simple spells you can do to begin, so look for those.
They include circle casting, protection, and little money spells. As a general rule I suggest you focus on school and get the main part of your formal education done before you launch yourself on the witchcraft path.
There is nothing you need change or acquire, apart from knowledge. Start small, learn to feel energy; how to physically manipulate it. He describes and teaches how to feel energy in your hands and body. There are many Americans who self-identify as witches. There are many households run by witches.
There are witches in the corporate world. There are witches in the military. My ancestors hunted witches in Scotland and Ireland in the Middle Ages. A lack of validated information becomes ignorance. Intolerance born from blindly accepted antiquated misconceptions. History is doomed to repeat itself, even in this "intellectual technological age. Kirlian photography itself was an accidental discovery that led to the finding that we can photograph electromagnetic energy fields and their variations and movements even when taken in a series.
Through focus and intent it is possible to use this field in much the way you move your muscles, allowing for the gathering and focusing of external universal energies. The next step from there is to then imbue the energy with personal intent and personal energy, and ultimately release it back into the world. This and many other practices that are burgeoning into our daily lives through culture mixes, like meditation and Tai Chi and yoga, all have their basis in the understanding and manipulation of personal energy, the foundation of understanding to any and all magical practices.
So if you believe in any of these things, or already incorporate them into your life, you are already halfway to doing magic….
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