How many templar dens
Where are the Templar Dens? Ideally I'd like to have a map of all of them in Constantinople. Improve this question. Jeff Mercado Johnster Johnster 49 1 1 silver badge 2 2 bronze badges. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. When you're in the area of a Templar Den, you'll know for a number of reasons: Shop icons are replaced by padlock icons, indicating that you can't buy the shop until you remove the den You'll see "castle tower" icons similar to the rook in chess which indicate sniper hideouts The map area around the den is in red, indicating it is a restricted area.
Improve this answer. Community Bot 1. Alternatively you could just press [RB] in the map or [R1]? R1 on PS3, correct.
Once you use Eagle Sense to identify Tarik, use the crowds to blend in and follow him. When he reaches his first destination outside the bazaar, hide in the nearby hay cart because he is going to turn around. Continue to follow him. When a scene mentions making sure he's not followed, use some Cherry Bombs from a blend spot to distract the guards.
Keep following him and when you see a set of Romanies, hire them. At the first guard position, send the Romani to distract them. Continue to follow and when you see the Thieves, use them on the nearby guard station as well. When Tarik walks through the arch, head for the rooftops. Make sure to kill any sentries up there as you follow. Eventually, you will get a scene. Bribe the Heralds, as the game instructs and then head for Yusuf.
When you have control again you will face two waves of soldier. I suggest you have all 3 assassin signals ready and a Crossbow or Throwing Knives full. When the first wave comes, call an assassin signal and shoot guards from a distance. On the second wave, make sure you call an assassin on the Janissary since he will kill civilians extremely fast. You should have no problem, if you call assassins and use ranged attacks.
Use Eagle Sense to follow Manuel's trail through the conflicted area. When you reach a building with a large archway, away from the main fighting, take to the roofs. Head for the wall and follow it towards the waypoint. If you keep moving, the guards attention you get at the gate should leave you alone when you run out of view.
Head back down to ground level when you reach the green zone. After the scene run straight ahead across the poles in the water. Use Hook and Run to bypass the guard and then climb the tower. Use the zipline to do an air assassination on the boat and continue on. NOTE: You now have access to this area that was blocked off. You should have treasures in here to get and a waypoint. Simply head to the waypoint and use Eagle Sense to identify the thief and beat him up.
Next, head to the shop owner. You can steal this many ways without being caught. You can draw him away from the shop by pickpocking him and then beating him up or you could use a Smoke Screen bomb. The choice is really yours, but afterwards head to Sofia. This area is mostly a free running challenge and is fairly straight forward.
Head across the poles to get to the dock and head to the left, toward the flaming torches. From there, free run ahead and across some broken archways. Keep going and make a long jump at the lamp. When you have control, keep going.
Follow the path, making long jumps when needed. When the camera turns to show you a way, follow it to a zipline. Make another long jump and continue. After the scene where they blow up the bridge, head across the burning poles and continue.
Luckily, these guys are horrible shots. Keep going to another zipline and air assassinate them. When you get control, draw your sword and guard. Use counter kills to take out the guards so you take no damage. Now use Eagle Sense on the wall behind you to locate the hidden door.
Follow Maria to meet with Abbas. When you have control, you can fight or run. Head for the upstairs part of the library to the large shining window to jump through it. Head for the next waypoint and meet Darim. Now make your way through the village, using Throwing Knives to kill anyone who gets in your way. The Janissary you seek is in the south of the search area. The ottomans will not detect you if you don't do anything bad, so stand next to the haystack and when the patrols pass, use the cherry bomb on the haystack and hop in.
Hopefully, the target is within range and will walk over. If other patrols come with him, target him and grab him before they catch you and you will be okay. Detection after the kill is okay. Follow the Janissaries and punch out the civilian who throws rocks at you. Once you reach the camp, you must stealth your way to the north section of the camp. While Janissaries will leave you alone, the Elites will not. Use blend spots and tents to make your way north undetected.
Head into the tent on your left and out the back. Use the walking Janissaries to get to get past the guard post. On the other side, head for the tent on the right. Use the well, the haystack and the tent to kill all the guards over here. Now head for the tents on the left, going back the way you came.
You should kill the guard near the scaffolding before trying to kill the one that walks by the first tent. You should easily be able to climb the scaffolding without being detected now.
In the third area, wait for the coast to be clear and head for the waypoint asap. When play resumes, use the walking Janissaries to head toward the wall on your left. You will need to time a trip across open area to get to the group next to the wall.
When all guards are facing away from Ezio, free run up the boxes against the wall to the end and head right. You should eventually be directly above your target. When he walks close, air assassinate him. This will activate as soon as you enter the restricted area around the palace. Getting to Suleiman is actually easy, since there are plenty of Romanies around. Get out the same way you came in or another way, if you wish.
Head to the waypoint and then follow the florist. Staying out of his sight is easy. When you reach the location, pick three tulips and head for Sofia. Head to the waypoint and interact with the sewage drain and then head to the next drain to get into the lower chambers.
Most of the puzzles down here are timed levers. Pull the lever near you and head up the wall to your left and to the next switch. After the cutscene, jump to the ledges on the block and head down, back jumping to the ledges below and shimmy around the corner to back jump again.
Take the obvious path to another lever. Pull the lever and climb the wall to Ezio's right and back jump to a pole and swing to a ledge. Perform a long jump and follow the path to activate the next lever and another cutscene. Head to the next waypoint and another lever. Climb the wall that Ezio is facing and swing down to the next level to take a right. Take another right and use the stone arches to get to the ledges on the column.
When you climb to the top, perform a back jump and shimmy around the corner to do another back jump. Now head to the other lever and another scene. The next lever is right in front of you now. Use it and jump to the ledge on the hanging black. Shimmy around the side and when the camera indicates, back jump to a ledge. Run along it and swing to a ledge and shimmy right to perform a side jump to a beam.
Head across the beams and then swing to the mechanism in the middle. Now use the obvious path, look for ledges in the black weights, to make your way to the key. Follow the assassin and when you have a chance, walk between the two captains for a double assassination. Follow the next captain and avoid killing anyone except him. The next captain will not bother you so simply walk past him and into the courtyard. After the scene, you can use assassin signals to attack anyone who comes after him.
This will cause you to fail, so disarm or punch out anyone who comes looking for trouble as you head for Abbas. When you have control again, shoot him. You will also not have access to your assassins for a while so send them out on Defense missions.
Because you will be gone for a long time, I suggest you invest in any buildings you haven't as the revenue will build up while you are gone. After a conversation with Yusuf, head for the waypoint and hire the Romani group nearby to distract the guards. Run straight for the chain and interact with it before you get detected. After a cool scene, run past the guards and head straight for the canon waypoint.
Use this to burn all the ships in the area to proceed. Follow the waypoints and you should make it through the memory just fine. Ignore any guards on your way to the ship. NOTE: Cappadocia is an underground city that you can only visit in sequence You will need to replay the 1st memory to return here.
Head up the hill to the waypoint. The enemies in the area will only be aggressive if you do something to provoke them, like being on the rooftops or attacking them. Your objective is to climb the large column structure in the middle of the city. When you reach the top, sync the viewpoint and perform a leap of faith to get down. Use Eagle Sense to identify Tarik's spy and then follow her. The steps to the prison are restricted area, so wait until there are no soldiers around and run up.
After the scene, use the upper beams to leave the area the same way you came in. Head to the green zone and locate your target. Walk up behind him and lock onto him and then pick his pocket. This defense system will work just like the assassin missions in Brotherhood did, with the percentage chance of victory decided by who is sent to defend the Den. Assassins will once again have a leveling system in place, but instead of 10 levels the assassins in Revelations will have a level cap of Once they reach level 10 they will attain the rank of master assassin and be able to defend Assassin Dens.
A welcome addition to the formula from Brotherhood is the more unique personalities the assassins will possess, sometimes requesting that you go on missions with them, and players will also be given the ability to customize them to a greater extent. Here's where it gets really interesting, and perhaps even a little confusing.
Other cities are fighting their own battles, and you will be able to fight for districts in those cities. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more.
Asked 9 years, 9 months ago. Active 4 years, 5 months ago. Viewed 34k times. Improve this question. Doozer Blake Johnny Johnny 71 1 1 gold badge 2 2 silver badges 3 3 bronze badges. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Niro Niro If you have assassins in all your dens, you can re-run the memory containing the first den defense to get the three wins required, or the "perfect" win. Rawling Thanks!
I didn't realize you could replay that memory.