Mork and mindy where is mindy

She stops him telling him she doesn't want to talk about the floor she wants to talk about what happened at work that day She tells him straight out he almost got her fired with what he did, controlling herself, she tells him she just wants him to promise he won't do it again. But Mork does not react well, launching into the traditional underappreciated housewife complaint of that being all the thanks he gets for slaving over a hot stove.

As he spirals, Mindy is forced to backtrack to calm him down, but he refuses to serve dinner, tells her to eat out, won't let her touch him, and as she stands there stunned tells her he has a headache and storms off to his room. The next day as Dr.

Lincoln's show airs, Mindy is completely distracted by what went on with Mork, dwelling on it, not listening to what's going on, missing her cues, and cringing when the phone rings. Telling Dr. Mindy says the problem is he's over adjusted having gone from Ozzie to Harriet. Dr Lincoln asks Mindy a few questions about their relationship including about how compatible the physical side of things is between them. Blushing and stammering, Mindy confesses they ' kiss and stuff ' but don't 'y 'know ' but yeah they're ' compatible '.

At that point however, Dr. Lincoln stops her saying there's more to talk about As Mindy freezes, the phone lights up again, and cringing Mindy tells Mr. Sternhagen she'll be right in. When she gets home, she finds a rather distant Mork embroidering an Orkan scene, and asks him hopefully if he saw the show that day, but he hadn't watched due to an issue at the Day Care Centre, a crayon getting lodged in Mrs Fowler 's ear.. She tells him she spoke to Dr. Lincoln about their problems, which he denies they have, but she insists they do and she is part of the problem.

As soon as she says that, Mork crumples in relief, saying he thought it was all him, that he was dragging her down, and wants to know how they can save the shambles of their relationship. Mindy calms him and says Dr.

Lincoln has suggested some games they can play to help them relate better to each other, to which Mork suggests he can be Shirts and she Skins. Mindy says it's not those kind of games. The first she tries, a trust game does not go so well, Mork failing to understand which way to fall.

The second, involves them swapping roles, where she will play him and he will play her. Mork agrees, but needs to prep for the part, and so they agree to try it in the morning. The next morning they come out of their respective rooms, wishing each other good morning, before heading into each others rooms. A moment later Mork comes rushing out Mindy's room, 'late for work' and with Mindy's boots in his his hand, as he's fretting in 'her voice' about being late for work, Mindy comes swinging down out the attic making a beeline for him on the couch badgering him to make her breakfast.

Mork says he can' t because he's too busy being a butch career girl, which Mindy takes offence at. However when he praises 'her' as Mork for being talented, handsome and having great taste in clothes, Mindy points out she never said that, to which Mork says it would be nice if she did, which take's Mindy by surprise and makes her think.

Mork asks about his keys, and Mindy tells him she buried them to keep them safe, asking if she did good, uttering Shazbot when he says absolutely not. Bringing her to the couch, she intones "Sense of Impending Doom" then sits on her face, he rolls his eyes and sits with his leg tucked under him. When Mork tells her he knows she's an alien that doesn't know his 'elbow from his raznick', Mindy replies yes but she wouldn't have been able to do it without his support and encouragement, which Mork seems dubious about.

Pretending the phone is ringing he rushes to talk to 'work' and Mr Sternhagen while Mindy makes Morks usual pretend voices on the phone in the background. Mork puts the phone down and races for his purse, telling Mindy she will have to make her own breakfast and he'll be home before midnight. Robin Williams Mork as Mork. Tom Poston Mr. Bickley as Mr. Larry Gelman Mr. Al Klevins as Mr. Al Klevins. Bebo Self as Self. Ralph James Orson as Orson voice. Howard Storm.

Storyline Edit. Add content advisory. Did you know Edit. Goofs One of the Mindy clones, who was supposed to be "shut off", reaches up to help close the armoire door after she's put in there. Quotes [Mindy opens the armoire and sees three clones of herself] Mindy McConnell : Mork, where'd you get the dead Mindys?

User reviews 2 Review. Photos Top cast Edit. Robin Williams Mork as Mork …. Ralph James Orson as Orson. Tom Poston Mr. Bickley as Mr. Robert Donner Exidor as Exidor ….

Bebo Self as Self. Jonathan Winters Mearth as Mearth …. Jeffrey Jacquet Eugene as Eugene. Amy Tenowich Lola as Lola …. Stephanie Kayano Stephanie as Stephanie. Dive into these TV sci-fi comedies and find something to laugh about. More like this. Watch options. Storyline Edit. Bizarre television comedy with Robin Williams as Mork from Ork, who is an alien sent to Earth in an egg, to investigate Earth and report back to his superiors.

As an outsider, Mork is unfamiliar with human customs and often questions some of the strange traditions that we take for granted. Much of the humor relies on Williams' unique comic voices and mannerisms. The show was perhaps most famous for Mork's greeting, "Nanu Nanu".

Did you know Edit. Trivia During casting, when asked to take a seat, Robin Willams sat in the chair upside down. Producer Garry Marshall selected him because "He was the only alien to audition.


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