Why do jedward talk american
They both resulted in a massive public backlash. So where is the outcry over a possible sexual assault? Clearly it's on the minor end of the scale and unintentional, but what message does it send to viewers? Rubbing your bare bottom on a friend is ok? Regardless of how uncomfortable they are? John could have found the whole exchange funny, and it possibly didn't bother him in the slightest.
That's fine. But why didn't producers intervene as they surely would if the genders were reversed? Chloe obviously intended the whole exchange as a bit of harmless fun - but if the genders were reversed could a man brush off the accusations by saying it was "a bit of fun"?
I don't find the whole incident offensive as TV viewing, rather that I don't think there would have been such a muted reaction if the gender roles were reversed. A Channel 5 spokesperson told Independent. But anything short of removing her sends the message that John is a man - and a man can't be sexually assaulted by a woman. Jay Leno has become the most hated comedian in America.
But he's not the only one! These comedians are also hated because they're unoriginal, obnoxious, and out of touch. But one theme ties them all together: they're not funny. Jay Leno is the inspiration for this list. He is everything a comedian shouldn't be. His material hasn't been funny for years, it's is dumbed-down for a crowd that doesn't want be challenged intellectually, and in the brotherhood of comedians, he betrayed his brethren by selling Conan down the river.
Jay Leno is the runaway winner on this list. If Jeff Dunham wasn't a comedian, he would probably be a Klan leader. The man is so racist, and so crude, that anyone laughing at his jokes should be ashamed of themselves. Using puppets to be racist makes everyone overlook that it's not actually a racist puppet, but a racist comedian with his hand jammed up a puppet's ass.
Not only does he steal jokes from classic comedians but he's needlessly racist and had no sense of comedic timing whatsoever. Plagiarism and lack of comedic skills leads to him having a television show on Comedy Central. Where he continues to plagiarize and mock every promising comedian on the planet. Dane Cook wasn't always hated. In fact, he was actually liked at one point.
He was just catapulted to fame so fast, that he didn't have nearly enough material to sustain himself as a consistently funny comedian. They also do it when they talk to each other in Jedward world I know Ireland is little bit closer to America:D They remind of Beavis and Butthead but I am not sure they would remember that.
I know it's annoying. I think they're constantly acting. Lou Kelly Posts: 2, Forum Member. They dont that is a Dublin 4 accent quite common in Ireland - very few people in Ireland sound like Paddy.
The dont that is a Dublin 4 accent quite common in Ireland - very few people in Ireland sound like Paddy.
Is Dublin 4 posh. I assume them to be middle class kids who have had it fairly easy. Do they have learning difficulties? Im serious. It's standard Dublin teenspeak. Usually dubbed the mid-Atlantic accent. John and Edward's version is actually not even close to the most pronounced versions of it that I've heard over the years. I honestly kid you not: my entire schoolyear spoke like that to varying degrees.