Can i use nix on my dog
Its gentle formula also means you can use it more safely on puppies or senior dogs, as well. It kills and prevents fleas, ticks, and mosquitos using natural essential oils, making it safe for both pets and family.
All pesticides may cause sensitivity after use. After using Permethrin, check for any signs of sensitivity in your dog.
If he is displaying any symptoms, wash him with mild soap and rinse generously. If symptoms continue, call your veterinarian immediately. Some signs your dog is having a reaction to Permethrin may include the following:. After you have applied Permethrin, it should be dry about 2 hours after application.
It is safe for your dog to go out into the rain once the product has dried completely. It is recommended that humans and any other pets stay out of the area where the dog was treated for 1 to 2 hours to ensure the spray has settled and dried.
For the best results, we recommend using this in conjunction with another form of prevention, such as flea and tick collars. Use 2 ounces of Permethrin diluted with 3 gallons of water. Once mixed, you can dip, sponge, or spray your dog with the solution.
Let the dog rest in a warm, dry place without toweling or rinsing. Wait at least 3 weeks before reapplying. As with spraying, consult your veterinarian if your dog is pregnant, nursing, elderly or taking medications for a medical condition.
I used dawn but it didn't work used tea tree oil sprays not affected dog drops not affected or the shampoos nodda. Once u bathe ur cat or dog u must flea bomb ur house or put salt on ur carpets n floors for days then the fleas should stay gone.
Using Hairspray for Lice Prevention. Using Dawn for Fleas on Dogs. Using Salt to Prevent Fleas. Getting Rid of Fleas on Cats.
Getting Rid of Head Lice. July 21, 1 found this helpful. Reply Was this helpful? July 22, 1 found this helpful. September 12, 1 found this helpful. September 15, 0 found this helpful. October 9, 3 found this helpful. December 11, 1 found this helpful. January 26, 1 found this helpful. March 4, 0 found this helpful. August 9, 0 found this helpful. This might happen if a couple of nits were not combed out, which later hatched, or if some of the insects survived treatment with the NIX.
And presumably also because dead insects are easier to comb out than live ones. You still have to do all the time-consuming and painstaking nit-combing. Fair enough. But there are a couple of good reaons NOT to use NIX lice treatment to try to kill the live insects before combing out.
Permethrin has been prescribed for head lice so much, for so many years, that head lice populations have developed resistance to this chemical. This trend is only increasing as permethrin continues to be heavily used all over the country. You can be sure, though, that resistance to the pesticide will continue to increase as long as it is overused.
I was surprised to learn how many safety concerns there are surrounding permethrin, given the widespread use of this pesticide on children. Here are some of the safety issues to consider:. The most common symptom associated with head lice is itching, although it may take some time for symptoms to develop.
Head lice can usually be detected by looking closely for live lice or eggs in the hair. Use of a magnifying glass can assist in the search. Head lice survive less than days if they fall off a person and cannot feed. Nits usually die within a week if they are not kept at the same temperature as that found close to the human scalp. This is simply not true. Lice are attracted to blood, not to dirty hair. Personal hygiene or cleanliness in the home has nothing to do with getting head lice. Dogs, cats, and other pets do not spread lice.
Lice pass from person to person through close contact with the hair or personal items of a person with head lice. Although head lice can cause symptoms such as itching or scalp sores, they have not been shown to spread disease.
They are thought to be more a nuisance than a health hazard. Head lice can hold tightly to human hair, even when submerged under water. Chlorine found in pool water does not kill head lice.